荣誉董事会 & 学生的行为



九州娱乐官网 Honor Code was established by vote of the faculty and students 1976年,1987年再次确认.  1994年,荣誉守则被重新起草,以反映 student and faculty sentiment that a single code should address both academic and 社会行为.

九州娱乐官网 Honor Code sets standards for the entire College community. 的 intention of the Honor Code is to encourage honest academic achievement and the 这是该机构所有成员的最高社会行为标准. 同意的人 对这一荣誉制度承诺维护和遵守. 所有学生都必须参加 to sign the Honor Code upon enrollment at 九州娱乐官网, signifying that they have read and understood the Honor Code, that they are willing to abide by its principles, 并了解违反本守则可能招致的惩罚.


的 荣誉董事会 is charged with hearing cases of alleged violations of the Washington 大学荣誉守则. 的re are two kinds of violations; academic and social.  荣誉 委员会审理学术和社会违规案件. 教务长办公室决定 which academic cases are referred to 荣誉委员会,and the 学生事务 Office 确定转介哪些社会案件. 


的 Student Government Association  Review 董事会 appoints nine students to serve as 荣誉委员会成员.  学院选举六名教员担任委员 荣誉委员会主席.  在任何给定的听证会上,学生和教师组成 hearing panel and determine whether a student is responsible for violating the Honor 代码,如果是的话,分配制裁.  在涉嫌性行为不端的案件中,一个子集 将会就这些个案进行聆讯(请参阅下文聆讯机构一节).  Advisory members of the 董事会 are the Assistant Dean for Curricular Enrichment, or designee, the Associate Vice President for 学生事务, or designee, and the Honor 董事会主席.

2024-2025年主席:Heather Fabritze ' 25

的 荣誉委员会主席 学生是否由学生自治会检讨委员会提名.  这把椅子 presides over all meetings 荣誉委员会主席 and reports activities of the Honor 董事会到SGA.  主席与负责课程改进的副院长一起工作 an the Associate Vice President of 学生事务 to ensure that proper procedures 在所有案件的裁决中都遵循.

副主席2024-2025:教授. 朱莉遗嘱

的 荣誉委员会副主席 is a faculty member elected by the other faculty 荣誉委员会成员 and serves 作为教员和荣誉委员会之间的联络人.

临时教务长,格雷格·克里克里安, as designated by the Vice President of 学生事务, has primary responsibility to coordinate all aspects of responding to social violations of the Honor Code as 将案件提交适当的机关裁决.

的 TBD, as designated by the Provost and Dean of the College, has primary responsibility to coordinate all aspects of responding to academic violations of the Honor Code and works with the 教师 Coordinator for Academic Integrity to refer cases to appropriate 裁决机构.

Normally, to proceed with a hearing, 荣誉委员会 Chair or their designee, three student members, two faculty members and the Associate Vice President of 学生事务 或者他们的指定人员必须在场.  然而,在某些情况下(经……同意) 学生 being brought before the 董事会), an 行政听证 may proceed 没有一个完整的董事会.

When classes are not in session, cases normally referred to the Honor Boaard may be handled by an administrative board as determined by the Interim Dean of Students or Assistant Dean for Curricular Enrichment in consultation with 荣誉委员会 Chair and Vice-Chair, unless a student requests the case be heard by 荣誉委员会 when 类的简历. 


位置TBD or the 教师 Coordinator can hear cases of alleged academic violations and makes decisions regarding the referral of those violations of the Honor Code to the Honor 董事会.

临时教务长 的se members of the 学生事务 Office can hear cases of alleged social violations of the Honor Code and make decisions regarding the referral of those violations to 荣誉委员会.

其他行政人员- Administrators who have been designated by either the Associate Provost or the Interim Dean of Students may hear cases of alleged violations of the Honor Code either individually 或担任行政聆讯委员会成员.

操办会议小组- A small group of 荣誉董事会 members or other administrators, faculty, and students 谁有裁决学生行为案件的经验.

行政事务委员会- A group of administrators, faculty and students who have been designated by either the Associate Provost or the Associate Vice President of 学生事务 and who have 有审理学生行为不当案件的经验.

第九条听证小组 Panelists for 第九条 cases are normally current 荣誉委员会成员 but may also include former 荣誉董事会 members or other faculty and staff who have specialized 培训和/或审判第九条案件的经验.  小组审理案件 涉嫌不当性行为和性别歧视/骚扰.  在每次听证会上, the panel will comprise of three people with at least one faculty member of the Honor 董事会和荣誉委员会至少一名学生成员.  经双方同意 the 发牢骚的人 and Responding Party, the faculty/student composition of the panel 可以改变.  第九条小组的成员受过专门训练,可以听取这些意见 案例类型.


行政听证 -由受过培训的管理人员或教职员代表进行听证.

工作日 - Mondays through Fridays, excluding days when the College is officially closed for 业务.

发牢骚的人 - Individual or group who brings initial notice of violation to the attention of 学校当局.

〇听证机构  Refers to either an administrator who serves as a conduct hearing officer or hearing 委员会,如荣誉委员会或行政委员会.

荣誉董事会 - 的 hearing board composed of students and faculty that hears alleged violation 遵守荣誉守则或其他学院政策.

更有可能 这是九州娱乐官网用来判定被告负有责任的标准.  这 means that 学生 is found responsible if the hearing body believes that it was 更有可能的是,所谓的违规行为发生了. 

被- - - - - - 被指控违反荣誉守则的学生或组织.  总统 and one other officer represent the Respondent in cases involving an organization.


Students are responsible for observing all applicable laws, regulations, and rules 在任何时候都要遵守荣誉守则.  书院储备金 the right to investigate reports of any student misconduct that occurs on or off campus, 包括在学期之间或入学休息期间.  如果是学院 becomes aware that a student has been arrested and/or charged with a crime or has engaged in other conduct that is detrimental to the interests of the College or the welfare of others, the College may choose to initiate disciplinary proceedings against 学生.